Local Time


--, --, --

UTC Time


--, --, --

Select first time zone

Select second time zone

Timezone Helper - Time Zone Converter and World Clock

Time Zone Converter and World Clock

Time Zone Converter is an online tool that converts the time in one time zone to the time in another time zone. This is very useful in cases of international travel, cross-country meetings and working across time zones.

How to use

With Time Zone Converter, you just need to select two time zones, click the Convert button, and it will automatically calculate the corresponding time of the two time zones and the time difference between them.

How to check the time of a certain city

Click on the link on the page: Time around the world.

Find the city you need to view in the list, we only list the time in major cities around the world.

Is the time accurate?

Yes, the times shown on the site are calculated by the program and are accurate.

What is Coordinated Universal Time?

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the primary globally recognized time standard that combines atomic time (TAI) and Earth rotation time (UT1) to ensure highly accurate time measurements. UTC ensures synchronization by introducing the leap second mechanism, which is periodically adjusted to bridge the gap between atomic time and Earth rotation time. This time standard is widely used in global communications, navigation systems, etc. to ensure time consistency between different systems and devices. In addition, UTC is also used as a benchmark for local time in various countries.

How many time zones are there in the world?

There are a total of 24 major time zones in the world, but the specific division of time zones is more complicated due to the actual needs and policies of each country. In fact, there are more than 38 different time zones in the world, as some countries and regions adopt time zones in half-hour or quarter-hour increments. In addition, there are places that adjust their time zones for daylight saving time.